It had been ages since I went out of town on a pleasure trip of any kind. So the law of averages took over and I landed up in the midst of a relaxing day out with friends.

The ferry which ferried us to the museum situated on the island.

This formation looked a formidable presence on the way to the museum.
Just beside the landing of the island on which the museum was situated, this above water channel looked like something out of the Discovery channel programs on wildlife flora and fauna in dense African Jungles.
Not too much of a garden flowers fan, yet I find this pretty beautiful.

And finally the much talked about Nagarjuna Konda museum. We were not allowed to click pictures inside so had to be content with this picture. The museum contains depictions of the evolution of man since the stone age, as found from the Nagarjuna Konda valley area nearby.

The above pics are high resolution and you may download them for your own use.
The above pics are high resolution and you may download them for your own use.
Listening to: Guns 'N Roses - Human Being.mp3
via FoxyTunes
Looks like lotta fun u had…nice
You betcha!
especially the falls and standing in the water downstream... :)
Cool man.. me too been there last week..Best part is i went on my bike.. it was fantastic experience..
shucks man! next time you plan to go out on a bike, call me!
Neo U have enjoyed a lot in ur trip
thanks, I did do that.
but you seem to have vanished off the face of this earth!!!
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