December 22.
5:30 am
- I manage to meet Randhir, half an hour late from the earlier designated time.
- Early morning mist on the highway. Loads of traffic. Riding under the lights. Covered barely 30 kms in one hour.
- Stop at the sign a bit out of the city saying 495 kms to Pune. Sunlight begins to show us the path more clearly. Its nearly 6:45 am
7:30 am
- Cruising at 90 kmph, when suddenly a cruiser with two people overtake us driving at 100kmph and we give chase.
- next 30-40 kms was spent in hot pursuit with bikes running at 100 kmph +, maxing out at a little over 115 kmph.
8:30 am
- Stop for breakfast. A quaint little dhaba. Puri and subjee. Just 2 more truckers besides us.
10:45 am
- Not a single soul around for miles.
- Naidurg. 100 kms from Sholapur. Was sorry that we did not have time to visit.
11:00 am
- Indapur Co-operative sugar factory. Uses sugarcane from the plantations around.
- The transportation medium
- Our bike speed a measly 20kmph for 15 mins
12:15 pm
- Lunch at Kamat Hotel (not part of the chain of Kamat hotels I think)
- Fill up bike tank. Check air pressure in tyres. Zoom. Time 1:00pm
1:30 pm
- eeks! We have been dozing on the bike for the last half hour. Bike speed 60 kmph.
- realized our folly and raised speed.
6:00 pm
- Sholapur road outside Pune. 4 lane. Metalled. Divider in between. Drove at 115-120kmph for what seemed like 10 kms. Fulfilled the heart's content.
7:00 pm
- At friends place. Tired. Bums itching. Paining. etc, etc but the heart glad.
December 23
1:30 pm
- Jump into the water. But had nothing to change into.
2:30 pm
-Lions Point. Lonavala. 60 kms from Pune. 625 meters from sea level.
- Butta. Juice. Cold drinks. Against this background.
- Fighting steep climbs. Non-existent roads. Not a single soul in sight.
- Mulsi Dam lake. Calendar moments.
December 24 & 25
- Random shots
- 7:30 am on Christmas Day. Morning mist. (not fog or smoke!)
3:00 pm on December 25, 2007.
I barely managed to shrug off the shoulder pack, before collapsing on the bed. Having traveled 1400 kilometers, I realized driving in city traffic is much more taxing on your energies than the highway. The last 30 kms just outside and in the city totally wore me out. But yes! The elation remains to this day. Long standing desire done. Next target - Himalayas.
There are some pretty high resolution pics in this post. Click on them to get a larger image.
Thanks. It definitely was!!!
Why did you untag my blog from yours?
But suchintya is missing from the pics.
I thought u had stopped blogging.
Hehe... nice observation!!!
I want to write, but it takes a lot of time to do that and these days I don't find enough of it.
awesome post suchintya...
wow!! man.. what shud i say..
well.. Congratulations.. u did it.. :-)
My next venture would be only when i get a thunderbird!!....
then what are you waiting for?? Get the Thunderbird, and let's thunder down the roads of India... :D
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